Fsuipc free vs paid
Fsuipc free vs paid

fsuipc free vs paid

So far, the closest that I've been able to come to making a flight is programming the flight computer with all required info and getting the airplane to take off via auto take-off.


I've read all of the cs767 manuals and I'm still at a loss. Hi All! I purchased 767 Captain about 2 weeks back and I still can't complete a flight. If the controls are crappy like mine though and don't return to the exact same neutral position every time, increasing the deadzone might be the only way. In short, if you're sometimes having weird problems with the autopilot, it's definitely worth checking out your input controls. I'm using the autopilot in many other airplanes on a regular basis and this issue never shows up in them so perhaps the CS767 is more sensitive than other airplanes. After a while, bad things start to happen. Sometimes when returned to the neutral position they would not really be neutral (the Saitek users know what I mean ) so instead they would start fighting with the autopilot. My yoke and pedals are not completely stable. The good thing is, I just discovered what was causing this for me. The bird can go from rock solid to doing confusing infinte circles and other strange things in no time. Sometimes though, it gets a life of its own, including the behavior described in this thread.


Oh man, remind me never to hire you as a software developer or beta tester Things that don't work because they are defective don't work period, for everyone. How do I know this? Because it works for me. The correct answer is: the autopilot works. The "autopilot doesn't work" vs "the autopilot works" argument will never die.


My VNAV and LNAV along with localizer capture, approach and full autoland, all work flawlessly. You have a responsibility to your readers to be correct in your findings and not just bashing developers. If you are really a reviewer, you shouldn't be jumping to conclusions until you check all the possibilities. I even performed a Direct To after takeoff, and the path was shown on the HSI and the 767 followed it flawlessly. I am flying from LEPA to LOWS right now and my speed and flight path are followed perfectly with CS. I had to correct it with "heading select". I flew the other last night and it didn't follow the flight path as accurately as Captain Sim's.

fsuipc free vs paid

Actually better than the competitors version. The problems your having have nothing to do with Captain Sim's software. I am 100% sure such sharp mistakes cannot be attributed to FSX or my machine - I have never seen anything like this and tested a bunch of stuff on my machine, always resetting the default FSX state before beginning to look at new stuff. I have the 9JULY2009 version of FSUIPC, registered version - so unless you tell me there's an even more current version this is it. If you are really the reviewer you claim to be, you should know that if a fully released sim doesn't work on your computer, there are a lot of factors that have to be considered other than the sim itself before you start running down the developer and product. I think before you start making premature judgments, you should check into all of the possibilities outside of Captain Sim's product. I am going to claim my money back!Īnd yes, the autopilot was on - it was not disconnected. Bottom line: This purchase is a complete scam - the product doesn't work! I am a former staff reviewer of a large German Flight Simulation community and am completely shocked about what Captain Sim has sold to me. When I intercepted the original waypoint track, the aircraft started its right turn maneuver all over again. I tried to manually adjust the aircraft and put it back on course to intercept the desired navigation track, and locked in HDG Select - nothing happens. The aircraft stopped following the computed flight path in LNAV mode and pitched to the right by 5°, making endless circles so to speak. I just aborted an Atlantic crossing midway through the flight as it was futile to contine.

Fsuipc free vs paid